The above images pertain to our first assignment, in which we were asked to come up with several ideas that would address some of the challenges faced by the communities in the Himalayas. While we did not have much background knowledge, the goal was less about feasibility, and more about generating ideas while considering the constraints of the community. The practice of coming up with solutions and discussing them with the class was extremely helpful in bringing to light all that must be taken into account when designing for a marginalized community. This mini project has primed us to be able to begin the next assignment, where we will be asked to come up with practical, feasible design solutions that will address the various needs of the Himalayan people.
My ideas attempted to address the issues of heating and dung (fuel) collection. I proposed crystal-sized photovoltaics that could be worn, and the energy could be stored in a battery, and then used to power a heater or electric blanket. I thought that the yaks that they herd could also be used to carry solar powered batteries that could be used for the same purpose. My second idea was to create removable insulation panels that could absorb heat in the sun during the day, and put on the walls to radiate that heat into the home at night. My last idea was a tube that could be used to collect, store, and place dung using a suction pump in order to reduce pathogen transmission through touching.
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